First you need to get a binder to help you stay organized to get organized. The sooner you have it the better organized you will stay. Write these categories to help stay focused.
CHECKLIST: Print this easy to follow checklist from Martha Stewart to help you stay on course. This guide was the easiest and simplest one I saw.
UTILITIES: In this section you will store all the bills and make sure that you call well in advance to schedule your new utilities and to turn the old house utilities off. Don't forget though to keep the utilities in the old house on until everything has been cleaned. You will also keep track of any scheduling that needs to be done to the new/old house.
LOAN PAPERS: If you have them for the old house, you will want to store them here as well as the new papers for the new home. Make sure you store them in a safe place after the move.
RECEIPTS: For the love of all sanity, make sure you keep these! I would put the old house receipts in one pocket and the new ones in another pocket. You can write these off on your taxes at the beginning of the year too.
BUILDER: All paperwork for the new house needs to be here. You need to make sure their contact names/numbers are readily available as well as contracts and warranties for the new home.
MOVERS: Have available the names/numbers of your moving company, truck rental, anything that relates to having your items moved from one house to the other. At Maid OK we can help you pack your belongings. We know it is hard work, but as long as you supply the packing boxes, wrap, and tape, we will be good to go.
INVENTORY LIST: If using paper is easier, here is your link to download an inventory check list. If you are wanting to use your phone to store your inventory, there is an app called Allstate Digital Locker and it is a free app to help keep your belongings safe, all the time.
SCHEDULES: When it comes to this one, it seems like there is a schedule for EVERYTHING. Well there is. This will be your lifesaver for the next two months.
Have you ever had a garage sell and you used those cute, colorful, round stickers and you thought that was all you used them for, well they are not. They are to keep your boxes organized correctly.

Make copies and hang them around the house so everyone knows what color to use while packing. At the new house, put these on each door so the movers know where to place the boxes. You can normally get these fabulous stickers at your local teaching store or any retailer.
Moving with unstable boxes means a greater risk for it to crumble. Get moving boxes that are the same size for easier lifting and storing in the trailer/truck. They also make hanging clothes boxes, these can be a bit more pricey, so shop around, but this will keep you from having to take them all off the hangers, pack in the boxes, and then put back on the hangers and then in the closet in the new home.
Tackle one room at a time and save the bathroom and kitchen for last. You will use these items, especially the bathroom stuff the day of the move. As long as you tackle one room at a time, you will not get overwhelmed and not loose your tools for moving.
ZIPLOCK bags will be your other BFF!! Throw small items like kids things they make, jewelry, stuff you forgot to pack, pens, just the normal small stuff. I promise, you will need them.

Do not forget to make arrangements for these special, lovable, little things. Have an older friend watch the kids so your younger friends can help move. Call a pet sitter to have your pet watched. For less stress, have your animals stay all weekend. Check for coupons to get a better deal.
Call Maid OK to clean your home for the next tenant or owner. Most landlords will give your deposit back as long as the house is cleaned to perfection. We also can shampoo the carpets, clean the inside of the windows, clean all the air ducts, and even powerwashing. Maid OK pretty much does it all. Book your appointment now or call us for a quote.
Maid OK hopes your new home will bring you lots of happiness! Memories from the last home will always be in your heart, but making new ones is always fun.
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